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Supplier: Asian Calligraphy and Painting vendor (Code: A03), Chinese art and crafts and clothing, dress and gift provider
Product: Asian Calligraphy and Painting Dresses Halter Tops Jackets
Comment: Good service, quick shipping and low price
Highlights: seo Chinese Brush Painting Chinese Fabrics Chinese Home Decor Chinese Jade Jewelry Chinese Robe
Details: Among these sights, Spring Dawn at Sudi Causeway tops the list. Built with silt in 1089 when Su Dongpo supervised the dredging of the lake, Sudi Causeway extends 2.8 kilometers with grass and peach and willow trees planted along its entire length. The bell rings at dawn as the moon is sinking in the west, weeping willows along the embankment sway in the morning haze, the lake blends in perfect harmony with the surrounding landscape like a roll of ink-and-water painting.
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